
Who decides if its precious or not.

Pray enacted, the pearl finds a knot

Chain linked to them, me, you

In small worlds lies the truth   

Amulets, talismans, charmed in mystic rite

Of birth, heirlooms, heritage sites

The gold sun and silver moon are eternal,

They can't decay

Night and day they say 

Silver cools the skin

At the foot, a place for fertility to begin

Gold is the warmest and ultimate ore

Iron strong, gendered wrong

Steel in furnace can only be forged

Jade the stone sage

Aquamarine, waterways

Foraged shells, mouths fed 

Dried leaves on twine

Tell us of the places we tread

Auspicious seeds remind us that tomorrow is always watered and born

Words and worlds engraved

Names on plaques and hallmarked backs

Made by them or unknown forever more

My necklace reminds me of that

Pieces of affection and bound bond

Rosary, rudraksha held in song

Gunja to spy or weigh it down

Black spots ward off ones who disrupt our sounds

Meditate on beads we found

Treasure, extracted, severed underworlds

Christ eventually crowned in thorns  

Pirated for thirst

Wars born

The object of greed, sold desire and worth

A pawn in industry, capitalism, co-option and coming first

Buy me love

No dust when burnt

Royalty, riches and status we place

Unearth lays the lies we save

To be looted and reduced to the human condition to adorn

Fire tamed or fire play

A visit to our earths and mothers core

The fractals big and small 

A cosmic underdog, undercloth and boxed

Let it crack open, locket unlocked

Free it all